Interview Videos
Interview video production covers a wide range of purposes from corporate communication, training, conferences, awards ceremonies etc. These videos help to project your companies brand and communicate the message in a way that gets audiences to engages.
It provides a way to put across a complicated message in a captivating and easy to follow way, many pages of a website can be condensed into just a few minutes of video. Perhaps you need to get across a complicated messages, a corporate video can be an effective tool in this regard.
Having worked with an incredibly diverse range of people, we know how to make our interview subjects feel relaxed, no matter their level of experience of talking on camera. We pride ourselves on authenticity and always favour a natural down to earth approach for our talking head interviews.
We also understand that each interview is unique. We take the time to understand your key message to ensure that we capture them on video. Our talking head interviews will achieve your objectives and goals.

Jeff Thomson live interview
Great day filming with Gininet. Ian Stafford interviews the former Australian cricketer Jeff Thomson (fastest bowler of all time) and awards Thommo with his honour cap for his great achievements to cricket. All streamed live over the Gininet network. Gentlemen and Players Limited edition Honour Caps to buy coming soon, keep an eye out. Let…
Next big thing in 2020
Many were asking this question back in 2018. Wow how video has grown and grown. Look at this throwback of Patrick Powers interview. Develop your online screen presents by starting your own tv channel. Patrick M. Powers – The Marketing MakeOver Guy

BeCollaboration interview
This lovely simple interview type video was one of several for BeCollaboration. Erkan Ali founder or BeCollaboration Interviews Debbie Chilton from Handelsbanken about he future of business.